We cannot separate the personal from the professional domain
Each person in a team or group brings their personal history, feelings and experiences into the shared space.
Wutkraft gesund leben – Gast-Episode bei Stefan Häfner
Ich wurde von Stefan Häfner eingeladen in seinen Podcast "The Way of Relationship" um zum Thema gesunde Wutkraft zu sprechen.
The Power of Not-Knowing & The Pre-Trans-Fallacy (Part 2)
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Episode Summary:
– Distinction between choosing […]
Wie Trauer zur Erneuerung des Lebens beiträgt
In diesem Text möchte ich auf die Verbindung - oder eher oft die Nicht-Verbindung - eingehen, die wir zu Trauer, Verlust, und Traurigkeit haben. Wir leben in einer Welt, in der es geschätzt wird, optimistisch, positiv und glücklich zu sein.
Why it’s crucial to understand developmental stages for successful Relationships
We are not born with all our capacities for relating already established.
How we can relate to the Media in Times of Crisis
How can we avoid being an unconscious consumer to the images and narratives the Media are providing in times of Crisis?
Can we find a new way to respond to Threat than our Instinctual Survival Mechanisms?
In this episode we explore how humans tend to respond to threats, how continuing to do that will simply recreate history.
The Dangers of Turning Sensitivity into an Identity
In this episode I explore the Difference between Sensitivity and Fragility and why it's dangerous to create an Identity around being sensitive.
What does Safety mean for Facilitation and Leadership?
Safety has become a buzzword in the last years.
Death as the High Point of Life & The Lost Practice of Grieving
In this episode I talk about Death and the lost practice of Grieving Rituals.