
Here you can find some valuable Tools & Input that can support you to be more present in your daily life.

Embracing Conflict in Relationships

Conflict can be a Source of Connection and Meaning, if approached skillfully.

In this video I first explore the 2 Main Unconscious Patterns we tend to fall into when it comes to Conflict.

Then I go into the Key Principles we need to understand to be able to use Conflict as a Gateway to Discovering what Truly Matters.

If you would like to receive the full 3-Part Video Series on Embracing Conflict in Relationship, including additional instructions, you can sign up below:

Getting to Space

When we feel overwhelmed or disconnected, adding more to our lives is usually not the answer, even though it may feel like it.

Without practices, that help us digest and reflect on our experiences and become more spacious, everything loses value.

So this is a Fundamental Practice to remain sane and switch from Overwhelm to being an Active Agent in your Life.

“Your Inner Living Room will feel much more beautiful not just by adding things but by expanding the Space that you live in.”

If you like, you can follow the Guided Meditation that you will find below!

Guided Meditation through the Layers of our Experience

This is a Guided Meditation through the 3 Layers of our Experience:

  • The Physical
  • The Emotional
  • The Mental

By going through these layers, we have a possibility to access Space, which is the backdrop of all of our Experiences.

Dyad Practice Instructions

This is a Wonderful Practice that can Deepen Your Connection to your Partner (or any Person in your Life).